The deep hole

How deep of a hole can you dig yourself into? 20 ft? 30 ft? Perhaps you would like to find out. Here is how!
1. Grab your tool, you can use a shovel but I prefer my mind.
2. Start the digging motion.
3. Once you are about knees deep, stop for 10 seconds and look around.
4. You are a foot shorter than you were before, how do you feel?
5. Resume digging.
6. It is too late to stop, you can’t climb back up even if you tried. (Should’ve started going to gym a couple of months ago.)
7. Drown in your hopeless hole that you dug, but at least you dug a 20 ft hole!

Remember kids, if you’re knees deep and you don’t like what you’re seeing, stop digging before it is too late. 

Hello everyone, it is I, Wilson. I believe in people who follow social rules. They will achieve what society allows them too achieve. Society will promise them a future, I guess I believe in society then… Good thing I am not apart of it. At least that is what everyone thinks. Open your mind people, we’re not that different, in fact, we are all the same. We all look the same, talk the same, feel the same. Nothing differentiate us from each other except our mind. Just remember one rule; Think different, act alike. You’ll never get caught.


About Life's Adventures

Understanding and learning to live life. A journey all should embark

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